Saturday, March 6, 2010

Beauty and the Geek Drinking Game

After being on the first Australian series of Beauty and the Geek, the term 'never judge a book by its cover' got thrown around many a time. So much so, that one of the Geeks decided to invent a drinking game. The rules are simple: Every time someone on the show says 'never judge a book by its cover' you have to drink. Or maybe it should be more of a penalty game - whenever YOU say 'never judge a book by its cover', YOU have to drink. I think that next time me and the others get together for a B&G reunion we will have to watch our series and play the
game. Or maybe when the next AUS series comes back later this year (can't wait!!)

But I have to say, after being with the 8 girls on the show, I completely agree with the saying. You may watch the show and think it is all fake, but honestly, we all became really close friends and the words 'Beauty' and 'Geek' got thrown out completely. To quote Michelle 'yous aren't geeks'. Luv ya Michy :) And to quote someone else 'there are no Beauty's and Geeks - there are just people'

Well anyway...back to the drinking game. So I am 3/4 of the way through watching the 3rd US series of Beauty and the Geek and I have to say, I am already pretty drunk right now! (only kidding) ;)

** Disclaimer: Always drink responsibly and only if you are over the legal age.


  1. Every time Corin does something fake, take a drink. Every time Paul is onscreen but not allowed to say anything, take a drink. Every time Lisa comments on Emma and Corin, take a drink. Every time Xen makes a Star Trek reference, take a drink. Every time Mish refers to herself in the third person, take a drink. Every time you see a camera or boom mike or crew, take a drink. Every time Hugo muffs his lines and has to re-do them in post-production, take a drink. Every time Hugo makes a corny joke, take a drink.

  2. Ah Toby, I miss your humour. :) I tell you what - when the next series is on, we have to Skype. And we seriously have to play a drinking game of some sorts. We will get everyone involved (except Xen can drink an energy drink or something cuz he don't drink alcemahol). We will have to pay out the nex contestants and come up with a 'drink when they do XXX'. Plus we will keep the ones about Hugo and the sound boom. I can see us getting pretty hammered!

  3. I'm Paul, and I never get credit for my material!!! I should be a writer.
