Thursday, March 4, 2010

ANU Masters Chess Tournament

I am currently playing in the ANU Masters chess tournament in Canberra which is a 10 player FIDE rated (using international ratings) round robin event. I thought from the start that there were four players which I would have a good chance of beating, one player that I would probably lose to and the remaining four I would probably get a draw with. That was the plan anyway. I also decided that I would also play more aggressive/exciting chess because often my games are quite boring. After the first four games, according to my plan, I should have had one win and three draws. But things don’t always go to plan. I have had one win, one draw and two losses. I think that my style of playing has not been the best, but I have enjoyed every single one of my games. And I know for a fact that some tournaments you go well, and others you don’t. That’s simply chess, and this one isn’t going that well. My younger brother Michael is also playing in the tournament and my number one goal in the tournament was to beat him. Have a guess where my one win in the tournament has come from! 

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