Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Awesome Website and Goodbye!

So today I stumbled across the best web sites ever! They literally had me in stitches laughing, my face was bright red and I even started crying! Not Joke. I strongly recommend you check out http://failblog.org/ and http://epicwinftw.com/ The first one is all about stupid things people do which are known as 'epic fails'. If you find the lady in the clown mask dancing to 'all the single ladies' let me know :) It was the best. The second site is the opposite - totally awesome stuff that people have done which are known as 'epic wins'. Some people must have warped minds to come up with this stuff.

On another note, this will be my last blog until Sunday. I am heading down with friends to the Aus Open tennis. I am a huge tennis fan but I have never been to a live match before. I have heard that it is completely different to what you see on the TV - they hit the ball a lot faster than you realize. So Wed/Thursday we have both day and night tickets to the tennis. Friday and Saturday are going to be shopping and having my tennis rematch with Corin. Friday/Sat night is clubbing (hopefully with Jenna, Nathan and Corin) before heading back home on Sunday. Catch you then :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Big Bang Theory

Ok, so I can't be certain, but the Big Bang Theory could well be in my top three favourite TV shows (Survivor is definitely number one, and Beauty and the Geek has to be up there as well by default).

For those of you who have not seen it, it is on WIN and it is about four major Geek guys and a hot Beauty who lives across the hall (sound familiar?). It shows the contrast between their lives and all the awkward moments that Geeks face from relationships to dealing with people in general. What I think I like most about it is the humour. I don't think that it is necessarily that funny, but all the jokes are science, computing or geeky in some manner. I guess that it makes me laugh more simply for the fact that I understand the jokes, when a lot of people wouldn't. What's even more fnuny is when Sheldon goes rambling on and on about some Physics theory of his which is supposed to confuse viewers. But I always seem to understand it :) I even try and pick holes in his arguments. I think the rest of my family also love the show too because they sit there and say - hey look! Its Jeremy! I don't think that I am as Geeky as these guys, but maybe I am still a Geek in some kind of denial. I understand their jokes and I was on a TV show called Beauty and the Geek after all.

I highly recommend you watch it - simply to cringe at how awkward the characters are. But just remember - some of us are really like that

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rubiks Cube

Ok - so who knows how to solve a Rubiks cube? I could do it when I was younger, well only if you count peeling of the stickers and re-arranging them :) Now I am a bit older, I would love to learn how to solve it the proper way. I am sure there are a number of sites on the internet that teach you how but I am going to start at www.rubiks.com and also the wikipedia entry.

From memory, Alan had one in the house and he knew how to solve it. But I never got a chance to learn :( I love mathematical puzzles and I have heard that there is a mathematical solution! So I think I will have to go searching around my house to see if I still own a Rubiks cube and get cracking. If you are reading this Alan, could you bring your cube to QLD and you can teach me how.

Friday, January 15, 2010


So I got a wii fit for Christmas and have been playing everyday this week. It is actually pretty fun keeping track of your achievements. It also tells you your 'wii fit' age where if you do poorly on your balance test it tells you your body is older than your true age. (my over 50 dad was very happy today to hear he was 31)

Anyways....in one of the balance games you have to ride a Segway!!! When the Geeks first got to ride them in the B&G mansion it was awesome! We seriously considered stuffing up the filming just so we could ride them again. They are not that hard to steer, but they keep banging into the curb if you don't stop them properly. Just ask Nathan! (bless you by the way - just an inside joke). And if you are really good at it, it is almost like you are skiing (Corin) or moon walking (Toby).

So if by any chance in the universe someone from the Segway company is reading this blog, I would be more than happy to take one of the Segways off your hands and promote it around everywhere I go. Seriously!!!

If you have not tried one of these devices, go and find someone who has one.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Did I Break The World Record?

Due to a confidentially agreement I signed before I tried, I cannot say whether I broke the record or not. The show will go to air some time after Easter, so you will have to wait until then :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

World Record Attempt

So tomorrow I am attempting to complete one of my New Years Resolutions - break a Guinness World Record. If anyone is in Sydney then head on over to Warringah Mall (food court) at 1:30 and see how I go.

The record that I am attempting is to make five balloon animals blindfolded in less than 64 seconds. The balloons are a poodle, sword, snail, caterpilla and flower. Since I am blindfolded, I need an assisstant to pass me the next balloon. It is going to be Emma!

If you can't make it, it is (hopefully) going to be on the TV show Australia Smashes Guinness World Records.

Not sure whether I will be able to post whether I was successful or not (in case their is a confidentially agreement). But we will see tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nathans Marathon Part 2

So Nathan ended up completing the marathon in less than 5 hours which was a totally awesome effort for someone with no training! From what I remember him telling me, he walked parts of it but ran most of the way.

The thing about long distance running (from my experiences) is that it does not necessarily matter how fast you train, even whether you are walking or running - it is more about the distances you train. Can you ever remember the last time you were on your feet walking or running for 5 hours straight?!?

I myself found out what it feels like the hard way, but it was really funny when Nathan did. He told me that being on his feet for that long made his legs feel like jelly. After going to bed after the race, he forgot that he had not recovered. So when he tried to get out of bed, his legs completely gave way and he fell out of bed :)

No matter - completing a marathon is a totally awesome achievement and I want to say a big congrats to Nate.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I have completed two marathons in my life - I did the Canberra Marathon in 2008 in a tick under 3 hours 30 minutes after hurting my knee and running/limping the last 7 km, and I ran/walked a marathon at the end of my Ironman triathlon in 2009 in just under 5 hours.

I reckon everyone should run a marathon at least once in their lives - it should be on every persons 'To Do' list I have convinced two of my best friends, Patrick and Julian, to do the Canberra marathon in April this year. I have printed off a training program for them and they are totally freaked out. I don't think that I would have survived my marathons without training. I hope they can keep up with the training and finish the marathon.

But who needs training?!? A week after I got out of the B&G mansion I get a call from Geek Nathan saying he needs my help to run a marathon. Now I assumed he meant like a 10 km fun run or something and was just calling it a marathon, but he said "No, that it is a proper 42.2 km marathon!" So I said to him, "OK, I can help you train. When is the marathon?" He says "Tomorrow". I laughed and asked him "How much training have you done?" and he says "Oh, I have run twice this week". Well I told him how hard it was and that he was in for pain.

I will leave the second part of this story for tomorrows post :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lil Knickers

So I thought that I would post a link to the business website of Hadassah and her family. The site is called 'Lil Knickers' where they sell georgeous baby clothes. I have had a look at the site and I have to say, I absolutely love the packaging of the clothes. It is very professional and cute too :) So if you are looking for baby clothes, I would recommend having a look at http://www.lilknickers.com.au/default.asp

Saturday, January 9, 2010

B&G Wars

So here is a video that Alan shot of Hadassah and Toby having a Jedi fight! It would have been good to see a pretent death scene or loss of limbs. So maye the B&G Wars saga will have to continue... Cue music: da, da da da da da, da da da da da, da da da da da

If the video does not work, you can see it on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=377aRJWIhvs

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Geek Rap Song

So during the first episode of Beauty and the Geek the guys all had to write and perform a rap song in a club. You only got to see 2 lines of my song, so I thought that I would share it all with you. I got through it all OK, except for three lines in the 3rd verse. I will put the words I really sang on the day in circle brackets and the definition of the rap terms in square brackets. The good thing was that no-one realized that I stuffed up because I kept on singing and I still mananged to make most of it rhyme!

If any of the other Geeks are reading this, feel free to post your rap in the comments section.

My tag is Jeremy
And yeah I roll from the A.C.T
When I wanna impress
My crew what they do is they call be Big Jezz
So what if I'm an engineer
Come on ladies there's nothing to fear
Cuz I make the Benjamin [money]
If you aint down then call up your friends

You may have seen me around
Cuz one of my tallents is I'm a Clown
And you may think I look funny
With my hair and my shoes you're right on the money
I have a big red nose
But can you imagine my fire hose
I do tie the balloon
Do you want to see me bust out a babboon?

{I then make a babboon balloon animal on stage}

My beauty in this game
I'll tell you something she's off the chain
Hell yeah Emma's my fizzle [friend] (Oh shit I forgot my line)
And ooh la la she's sexy for shizzle [sure] (I guess I'll have to make it up)
I do get a bit tizzy [frustrated] (Oh yeah, Emma's so hot)
When I wanna get busy (Something that I guess I'm not)
But unlucky for me I miss out on the fun (Oh yeah, Emma's so fine)
I wish I had bigger guns (I really want to make her mine)

No chess aint just a gmae
I guess its my ticket to fame
When I make the moves
My brain really gets into the groove
Four hours a game no I don't get bored
Checkmate at the end is a tasty reward
Queen Rook Bishop Knight King
Pawn...no its not what you think

{Breakdance as the music finishes}

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Young Canberra Citizen of the Year

Thanks to Paul for highlighting this one :) The first non-me contributor to this blog.

Do you know a youth who has greatly contributed to the ACT community? Then consider nominating them for the Young Canberra Citizen of the Year. Check out their website at http://www.youthawards.edetails.com.au/index.html or join the facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Canberra-Australia/Young-Canberra-Citizen-of-the-Year-Awards/208050989746

Now the award is not just for being the best citizen, there are a number of categories that you can nominate people in. These include personal achievement, group award, youth arts, individual community service, young entrepreneur and young environmentalist.

With global warming on its way, I hope that there are many nominations for the young environmentalist award!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Australian Chess Championships

The 2010 Australian Chess Championships is underway with a number of Canberra players taking part. So I would like to say a HUGE congratulations to Junta Ikeda for winning the Australian Lightning Championships today!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Geek Web Site

I have to admit one think - I may have come out of the B&G mansion even more of a Geek! All the guys got on so well in the house, I think we learnt more from each other in the Gentlemens Club including Hacky Sack/Crochet (Pete) and Comics (Nathan).

At one stage someone brought up a web site: www.thinkgeek.com I was looking for an awesome t-shirt to buy to show that I am a geek and be proud of it. You definitely know you are a geek when you understand the jokes. One that made me laugh simply stated that "Schrodingers Cat Is Dead". The other, which I will let you try and understand yourself is the following:

"There are only 10 types of people in the world: those that understand binary and those that don't."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Watch

I am doing the Port Macquarie Ironman in March this year. This will be my second ironman, which for the record is a 3.8 km swim, 180.2 km bike and 42.2 km marathon run. I got in trouble for comparing the pain of the ironman to the pain of child birth. More for the fact that during the ironman I was in so much pain that I swore I would never do another one. But you soon forget the pain, and here I am, one year later. (like having a second child).

Anyway... so I started my serious training today, but my watch band broke :( So now I have to go out and buy myself a new gadget - a cool awesome watch :) I want it to be a heart rate monitor and a GPS to record how fast I travel per km and have split timing and be waterproof (so I can wear it for the whole race)... It feels like Christmas all over again! So I will have to update you later on what watch I choose and all the cool gadget features it has.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Interesting Facts about Beauty and the Geek Eliminations

There were always lots of conspiracy theories by me and the other contestants during the show. Here are some of the cool eliminations statistics.

Contestants in elimination order, including their state, their age and which room they lived in the mansion

Room A
Alan 19 WA
Kate SA

Room B
Nathan 20 VIC

Room C
Paul 24 ACT
Elise Sa

Room C
Toby 21 QLD
Jenna VIC

Room D
Xenogen 30 NSW
Hadassah QLD

Room D
Peter 28 WA
Michelle QLD

Room E
Corin 28 VIC
Lisa SA

Room E
Jeremy 24 ACT
Emma NSW

So here are the interesting facts. We started off with people of all ages, living in five different rooms, and coming from six states/territories.

1. The first four guys eliminated were the four youngest. (The next three guys were the three oldest).
2. We started off with guys from five states/territories, and after the first three eliminations, the five remaining guys were still from five separate states/territories - one guy per state/territory.
3. The first two eliminations got rid of the two couples who did not share a room with another couple. The next two elimations got rid of two couples who shared a room. The next two elimations also got rid of two couples who shared a room. So the eliminations process went from room to room.
4. The reamining three teams had all of the six states/territories still represented by one person each.

Coincidence..........Yes it was as a matter of fact. The was also the curse of the 'top of the stairs' place during the nominations. But that changed when Xenogen/Hadassah were spared in episode 6.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years Everyone!!

The night started at 6:30 with a call saying one of my friends was sick and could not come out :( So a different friend picked me up and five of us went to Hogs Breath for dinner. Before going in, I ran into one of my other friends, Monty. The meal I had for dinner was awesome! Ribs + steak + salad + curly fries. Cant remember what the meal name was though.

Anyway, after dinner we went outside just in time for the 9pm family fireworks. The fireworks were alright, nothing special, but I ran into Monty again. Caught up with some other friends and we went to the Pancake Parlour for dessert. I cant remember having been there any time recently, but it was not too bad. We played a little chess on the big board (I won) and on the little board (I won again).

Went outside and ran into Monty again. (Canberra is one small place). Then I got mobbed by a bunch of girls who wanted a photo. My friends who had never seen this behaviour before were like (do you know them) and I just laughed.

So my friend had to work, so we went over to his motel at about 11:30 to bring in the New Years. Champagne was drunk, and we went outside for the fireworks. They were alright, but again, nothing too special.

So now here we are in 2010. What are everyones New Years resolutions? Here are 4 of my top 5.

1. Complete the triple triathlon in November solo

2. Complete the Port Macquarie Ironman in less than 14 hours

3. Plan my overseas trip

4. Break a Guiness World Record

I hope that 2010 is great to everyone :)
