Monday, January 11, 2010


I have completed two marathons in my life - I did the Canberra Marathon in 2008 in a tick under 3 hours 30 minutes after hurting my knee and running/limping the last 7 km, and I ran/walked a marathon at the end of my Ironman triathlon in 2009 in just under 5 hours.

I reckon everyone should run a marathon at least once in their lives - it should be on every persons 'To Do' list I have convinced two of my best friends, Patrick and Julian, to do the Canberra marathon in April this year. I have printed off a training program for them and they are totally freaked out. I don't think that I would have survived my marathons without training. I hope they can keep up with the training and finish the marathon.

But who needs training?!? A week after I got out of the B&G mansion I get a call from Geek Nathan saying he needs my help to run a marathon. Now I assumed he meant like a 10 km fun run or something and was just calling it a marathon, but he said "No, that it is a proper 42.2 km marathon!" So I said to him, "OK, I can help you train. When is the marathon?" He says "Tomorrow". I laughed and asked him "How much training have you done?" and he says "Oh, I have run twice this week". Well I told him how hard it was and that he was in for pain.

I will leave the second part of this story for tomorrows post :)

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