For those of you who have not seen it, it is on WIN and it is about four major Geek guys and a hot Beauty who lives across the hall (sound familiar?). It shows the contrast between their lives and all the awkward moments that Geeks face from relationships to dealing with people in general. What I think I like most about it is the humour. I don't think that it is necessarily that funny, but all the jokes are science, computing or geeky in some manner. I guess that it makes me laugh more simply for the fact that I understand the jokes, when a lot of people wouldn't. What's even more fnuny is when Sheldon goes rambling on and on about some Physics theory of his which is supposed to confuse viewers. But I always seem to understand it :) I even try and pick holes in his arguments. I think the rest of my family also love the show too because they sit there and say - hey look! Its Jeremy! I don't think that I am as Geeky as these guys, but maybe I am still a Geek in some kind of denial. I understand their jokes and I was on a TV show called Beauty and the Geek after all.
I highly recommend you watch it - simply to cringe at how awkward the characters are. But just remember - some of us are really like that
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