Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sorry :( plus a taste of whats to come

I have to say a big sorry for not posting anything in a while. I think there may be a few of you waiting for me to post because the hit count increased by 120 since last time :) After being away in Melbourne and the Gold Coast I guess I got a little sidetracked and by the time I would get around to blogging, it would be late at night and I wanted to go to bed. Anyway...enough of my excuses.

So I will just be a little mean and give you temptations of what happened while I was away. I will give a full account throughout the week.

Melbourne consisted of the best 2nd round Australian open tennis match imaginable, one of the Geeks going out clubbing wearing underwear but returning home without them, scooter rides, an episode with a drag queen and the Geek v Geek tennis rematch of the century.

The gold coast consisted of blue bottle stings, surfing, 7 Geeks and 3 Beauty's living in the one house again, one Geek at the ocean swimming well after midnight and not returning home the next day, a beauty contest in a nightclub, the 'loosen up when you dance' comment of the century and a lot more.

I guess you can say we had some fun ;)

PS I would love to know who is reading this blog and if anyone has any suggestions, or would like to contribute. So please post a comment. I would love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. JEREMY , just letting you know that I'm still reading your blog. IMI
